Like other cloud platforms, you can Install WordPress On Google Cloud Platform for high performance, scaling purpose of your website.
One thing makes you use Google Cloud Platform over the other platform is Google uses the same software and hardware infrastructure for their products like YouTube and Gmail
Google Cloud Platform has Compute Engine refers to them as machine types. Recently released Compute Engine machine types with up to 96 vCPUs and 624GB of memory.
The type of disks and storage used by a Google cloud play a significant role in performance, Google cloud storage referred as Block storage. Google Persistent Disk is durable and high-performance block storage for the Google Cloud Platform.
Latency is important when it comes to businesses that serve visitors in a specific geographical location. For example, let’s say you have an e-commerce shop in Landon, and 90% of your customers are from England. Your business is going to greatly benefit from placing your site on a server in England, vs hosting it in the Asia or Middle east countries. Google Cloud Platform has dozens of different data centre locations to choose from around the globe to decrease the across the board and ensure faster load times
About Google Cloud Platform
Some of the world’s most innovative brands, including Spotify, Coca-Cola, Snapchat, HTC, Best Buy, Feedly, ShareThis, Domino’s, Sony Music, Airbus and Philips already rely on Google Cloud Platform.
Even Apple has been Signs up to Google Cloud Service and spending between $400 million and $600 million on Cloud Platform.
And most recently Evernote took decisions to migrate its 200 million users. Ben McCormack, VP Operations at Evernote stated on their blog:
Evernote will gain significant improvements in performance, security, efficiency, and scalability. Moving to the cloud also allows us to focus time and resources on the things that matter most.
Why you Choose Cloud Platform over the other?
You probably heard Cloud is the powerful alternative to traditional web hosting providers. It offers a verity of benefits.
Server uptime guaranteed: Performance of your website is directly dependent on server uptime, Cloud platform provides maximum network uptime and guarantees no single point of failure. In cloud by default all the systems are interconnected if, at any point, one server is unable to take your request then another server takes over the workload of the failed server.
Pay for the resources you used: Cloud platform offers pay as you use the resources. There is no fixed cost in the cloud platform.
Security: Cloud platform comes with various levels-network, application, data and physical security. Cloud service providers ensure data safety and encrypted solutions, firewalls and backup recoveries.
Scalability: Dynamic allocation of resources for emerging needs, if there is a spike in traffic on the festival day or sale day. No need to worry Cloud platform handle traffic efficiently with the needs.
Installing WordPress On Google Cloud Platform
Step 1: Login to Google Cloud Console Sign up for FREE TRAIL and set up your billing account (must before you get started)
Step 2: Create a new project by entering the Project name
Step 3: Search for “Google Cloud Deployment Manager V2 API”
Step 4: “Enable” – Google Cloud Deployment Manager V2 API
Note: If you are not setting up your billing account it gives error to “Enable Google Cloud Deployment Manager V2 API”
Step 5: Search for WordPress and Select or Click on WordPress “Google Click to Deploy”
Step 6: Click on “Launch on Compute Engine” and proceed.
Step 7: In WordPress deployment have to fill the necessary fields to complete the WordPress Installation Process
- Deployment name: Give your WordPress deployment name here. I have mentioned as wpweb
- Zone: The zone determines what computing resources, as well as your server locations, Choose your nearest location of server to decrease the latency I have chosen us-central1-c
- Machine Type: I have Chosen 1vCPU 3.75 GB memory you can even Customize your machine type Learn more about machine types.
- Administrator Email: Enter your admin email
- Install phpMyAdmin: phpMyAdmin is necessary for WordPress, make sure this option is checked.
- Disk type: Choose SSD persistent disk over Standard persistent disk for better performance.
- Disk size in GB: Select a disk size for your WordPress installation, 10 GB is more than enough.
- Network name: Leave this field as it is.
- Subnetwork name: Leave this field as it is.
- Firewall: Check both the Allow HTTP traffic and Allow HTTPS
Click on Deploy once you enter the complete details.
Step 8: This screen ensures you are successfully installed WordPress on Google cloud platform.
Step 9: Enter the ip address ( you will be redirected to a new WordPress site.
That’s all your WordPress Site Live. Note down your WordPress credentials for WordPress Login & further use
Setup your domain name and DNS settings so that you can access the website from domain name rather than an IP address. A Step by Step guide is here
You no need to depend on the traditional shared hosting providers. Google Cloud Platform provides Extensive performance, scalable and robust security for your website.
When you switch from shared hosting to cloud platform you can see the performance as well as speed. It will help in your SEO ranking. You can install SSL certificate for security purpose.